Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Want My Psychic Love Advice? Leave!
Usually, when you reach this point and ask this question, the answer is clear: LEAVE! GO! MAKE THE CHANGE! Yet, perhaps you've already left, but something still pulls you back, an attachment urging you to stay.
This fear of change can be paralyzing. But imagine if you could see the beauty and hope that lies on the other side. If everything you wished for was just waiting for you, would you still hesitate?
Personally, I can be quite stubborn. I crave proof, a guarantee that things will work out, but life doesn't offer such certainties. As a psychic medium, I can provide my clients with hints and insights, but ultimately, they must take the steps themselves to initiate change.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words
WARNING: To manifest it in the physical world, action is required! As mediums, we can guide you, but YOU must do the work!
I've never appreciated love readings that simply advised me to 'leave.' Nor did I value predictions of a fantastic, romantic relationship with a handsome young man awaiting me.
The truth is, I want this particular relationship to WORK. I want to make it happen. I want this specific man to see and appreciate me. That's why I seek your guidance, "Mrs. Psychic Medium Lady," to affirm that it WILL work and to tell me exactly what I want to hear!

Love is bitter sweet
Love can be harsh, sometimes. When love psychic readings get involved, it can get even trickier because they will tell you the hard, naked truth and show you the way to move forward.
But who wants to hear the truth? Hardly anyone! (Including myself!)
I visited a psychic medium seeking general guidance, but she focused entirely on a future partnership, completely overlooking my current relationship.
So, I sought advice from another psychic, hoping for a different answer. "Leave," the second one also said.
Stubborn as I am, I consulted a third psychic. The response was the same: "I don't see you together... There's a loving partner in your future, and you will have a very romantic story with him—he is the real deal," said the Irish psychic.
Damn it! I wanted to know about the one I'm with, the one I love, The one who mistreats me and makes my life unbearable. Can we not change that? Can we not change him?
The answer is almost always NO. I never liked it, and I never listened. I swear... NEVER! It wasn't until I exhausted all other means to make this miserable relationship work that I began to believe.

Giving Up
"Oh well, at least I did my best. So where is this handsome young boy? My future man ;)!" But the universe, God, and the spirits never work on our timeline, do they?—a divine plan is at play.
So I keep searching and searching and searching with no freakin' results. The universe smiled;
"You better FEEL first."
Sometimes, it is hard to look inside. I would say it is okay to reach out for love- to find someone else to love you until the pain is so great that you're forced to look inside... or die!
Sometimes, I also get dates from psychic readings: "March 2024, April 2024, May 2024. "Did he (The Irish Medium) mean 2024 or 2023?" I asked myself because nothing happened.

So Are You Hopeless Yet?
I sometimes go to more than one psychic to get 2nd opinions. It is a slow, agonizing process for me to surrender to the fact that even if I know the future, how it unfolds is almost entirely outside of my control.
Utterly outside of my imagination and absolutely in the hands of a greater power. The more stubborn I am, the more I push it away. The more flexible, vulnerable, and even hopeless I am- to be honest - the more it comes closer.
So, are you hopeless yet?
A mix of love reading and love healing
Understanding how this process works is crucial because it is not just sitting there and hearing past, present, and future.
It is reading your field and pushing your energy for healing to move forward and to surrender to the truth and stop the resistance. Al Isteslam- In Arabic.
Furthermore, I recommend reaching out to a spiritual mentor, someone who believes in spirits, to guide you; otherwise, you are wasting precious time.
I believe that we have three roads to anything our heart desires:
Accept where we are.
Change it.
Or, keep suffering.
Well, I like the second option, but I guess I abused it (a lot), so now I am testing number one.
Enduring continuous suffering is not an option for me, yet I still struggle with change. Well, I had no choice. Sometimes, if you can't do it yourself, God will do it for you. Like it or not, that is how it works—at least for someone like me, who initially believed in everything that I was taught.
Later, I realized that nothing of what school, religion, and traditional belief systems taught worked for me anymore, at least not in this modern life.
So, is there something I have missed, or is there something I haven't yet explored? I can't answer this question for you; that is your inner work.
But what I can surely answer is that love and relationships can make you evolve quicker than anything else. I wonder why religion wants us to have only one partner and only one forever and ever.
Maybe to evolve through that one relationship? Or to suffer in it?
Well, if you sat under a tree for 3 years meditating, praying, and talking to God, you wouldn't evolve as much as if you had 3 or 10 romantic relationships in 3 years.
The more you practice love, the more you evolve and grow. Spiritually, I mean. Whatever that means to you.

Forty Rules of LOVE - Seriously?
I remember reading a book on my way to a business meeting—if I remember correctly, it was a flight to Hamburg. The book was entitled "Forty Rules of Love." I borrowed it from a dear friend, Nihal.
At the time, I had hoped the book would tell me the rules of love, and maybe it did -but it was too complicated for my tastes. I wanted rules that I could easily follow and integrate into my life.
Unfortunately, the book did not fulfill my expectations, and I was rather sad when I finished it. I slept in my not-so-cozy white chair until I arrived.
Sitting next to me was an old business-looking gentleman wearing a very elegant suit. He said nothing the entire flight. Not even a "hello"? " Rude," I said to myself. "Is he German?".
To my surprise, he had noticed me reading the book. As he stood up to depart the plane, he looked at me and told me:
"You're a young, pretty woman; you can only practice love - it has no rules!" And then he winked.
I was speechless.
"Hey, come back!". I said to myself. "Tell me more." and thank God he disappeared.
It was as if he had read my mind and sensed my disappointment with the book.
Someone like me was too mental at that time to understand the book, and maybe still is! I wanted human love advice.
Who was that man? He was a guide, a human sort of guide. I know it sounds crazy, but he was. I swear, the spirits work in mysterious ways and deliver their messages in the most intelligent ways.
He addressed some of my questions, giving me the needed advice I was seeking but in a blunt, hardcore sort of way.
He left me feeling relieved because he sympathized with my universally human struggle, but that didn't mean I was ready to take action.
Love, Love, and more Love.
I did practice. I did listen to him. Unfortunately. Or Fortunately?
Either way, I began to realize that the spirits have many ways to get the truth through to you; this is when my psychic science and spiritual work started to kick into high gear.
Sometimes when you lose your way, you won't find that handsome businessman sitting next to you on a first-class seat.
You have got to be brave enough to take the lead and hear the answer from your spirit guides cause I promise it won't always be what you expect. But it will be what your soul needs to hear- what it wants to tell you so badly.
It is the voice of your soul, not mine. A psychic love reading will give you comfort and sometimes heartache, but it is the unadulterated truth.
Isn't that what we are here for? To learn, change, to grow.
Love Guidance from The Spirits
Believe it or not, your spirit guides are capable of giving you love advice. They can help you avoid all those bumpy roads - if you just listen, believe, and follow your heart.
We are not all the same, but I strongly believe we are all steering toward one destination: love.
Isn't that what we all long to feel?
Someone Loves You
Now, I want to share some stories from my reading sessions with clients and friends. I recall a dear friend who had been single for a long time and was struggling with weight issues. She asked for insight into her love life, particularly about potential romantic prospects.
During the reading, I envisioned a mutual friend—older but attractive—emerging from her bedroom, wrapped in a towel. I shared this vision candidly, knowing she was as spiritually attuned as I was, if not more. However, she passionately rejected the interpretation, causing a rift between us. I Still wonder why she got offended. Was it because he was 10 or 20 years older?
Years later, I discovered they had gotten married. I felt saddened to miss out on those joyful moments with her. Yet, this taught me that sometimes, those seeking love can be their own biggest obstacle, denying themselves affection due to a skewed self-perception. This, I believe, is a form of self-deception.
The Burden of Truth of Love Psychic Readings
Alternatively, some clients are less than truthful, which places a significant burden of responsibility on the medium. It's essential for the sitter to validate the truth within themselves, otherwise, the spirit guides persist in delivering the same message.
I refer to it as a blind spot—a situation where the sitter is reluctant to acknowledge the truth because it deeply hurts or they believe it is impossible to turn that specific fact into reality.
Often, they return after the session, realizing that the guidance was accurate and the events unfolded as described.
What is Love? No Feels, Just Goals?
Love and career are intertwined, whether we acknowledge it or not. These insights are what I have gathered from my love reading sessions and communications with the spirit world.
Occasionally, clients come to me for career advice, yet we end up discussing their romantic life. Sorry, I can't quite control the reading!
This has shown me that when there's a gap in the marriage or when love has dwindled, it can spill over and cause professional setbacks.
No matter their efforts, they must first address their romantic commitments and the intention behind them—the true contract they have vowed to uphold.
Love Advice from the Afterlife: Forbidden Love!
Another heartwarming story involves a reading where a departed father, known for his conservative values, came through to bless the love relationship of my client - his daughter. This blessing was not of the union with her husband, but surprisingly, for her love with another man, which defied their strong religious norms and values!!!
The profound sense of love and freedom this message gave to the client was incredible. I felt it too, beyond words. This experience taught me that spirits on the other side resonate with genuine feelings.
Spirits do not judge or abide by any rules but those of genuine love. Isn't that wonderful?