I Keep Hearing The Voices of Dead Celebrities... Am I High?

Life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it? The unseen and unknown often hold the most profound wisdom. As a seeker, medium, and teacher, I've found myself deeply entwined in the mystical world of spirit guides. They're like that little voice giving you life advice or that gut feeling steering you in the right direction.
But who are they really? And how can we connect with them?
Today, I'll share some personal stories and experiences about connecting with some famous spirit guides that have had a profound impact on my journey.

What are Spirit Guides
Spirit guides are often perceived as souls who have crossed over but choose to remain in the spiritual realm to offer guidance and support to those still living on Earth. They can also be seen as energy beings or entities with wisdom and higher consciousness.
These guides can take many forms—animals, loved ones who have passed away, or even mythical creatures. In some traditions, they are referred to as guardian angels or ancestors.

How Do I Know If I Have Spirit Guides?
The truth is, everyone has spirit guides - typically a main principal guide, along with other supporting guides. They are always present and ready to offer guidance and support whenever we need it.
The challenge lies in recognizing their presence.
If you want to connect with your spirit guide, the first step is to believe in their existence.
Practice quieting your mind through meditation or other mindfulness techniques, and pay attention to any signs or messages that come through, whether it's a feeling, a thought, or even a physical sensation.

What Is Their Purpose?
Spirit guides serve various purposes depending on the individual they are guiding. Some may offer emotional support during difficult times, while others assist in making important life decisions.
They can provide insight and wisdom on spiritual matters or help us connect with our higher selves. Ultimately, their purpose is to guide us toward our highest good and help us fulfill our life's purpose.

How Do Spirit Guides Communicate?
Connecting with your spirit guides is a deeply personal experience that requires patience and practice. Here are some tips to get you started:
- Set an Intention: Before trying to connect, set an intention for what you want to achieve. This could be seeking guidance, comfort, or simply wanting to connect with your spiritual side.
- Clear Your Mind: Quiet your mind and let go of any distractions. This can be achieved through meditation, taking a deep breath, or any other mindfulness practice.
- Pay Attention to Signs: Your spirit guides may communicate through signs and symbols in the physical world. These could include number patterns, animal sightings, songs or even words or phrases that seem to stand out to you.
- Use a Journal: Writing down your thoughts and experiences can help you make sense of any messages or guidance that come through from your spirit guides.

Why Do We Have Spirit Guides?
The belief is that we all have spirit guides assigned to us before we are born, and some of these guides have been with us for our entire life. They act as our spiritual guides, teachers, and protectors throughout our journey on Earth.
They help us fulfill our life purpose and provide support when we face challenges or difficult decisions.
Discovering Sophia: My Lifelong Spirit Guide
It all began at the Arthur Findlay College, a sanctuary for those who walk the paths of psychic studies and mediumship. I was there, not particularly interested in unmasking my spirit guides. My teacher’s advice echoed in my ears:
“Do not focus on them - otherwise, you get obsessed. Just feel their energy and keep going.”
Perhaps I feared discovering their true nature. Yet, the reality is, they are with us throughout our whole life. All we need to do is believe. As explained in one of my articles about spirit guides, they adapt as we evolve spiritually, aligning their support with our changing consciousness and personal growth.
This dynamic relationship implies that the nature of their guidance shifts alongside our evolving understanding of ourselves and the world.
An Artistic Touch
In 2017, the universe had other plans. I found myself in a course on Artistic Mediumship at the Arthur Findlay College. It was in this course that I met Sophia.
Artistic Mediumship— It is where one essentially paints the spirit that is channeled while providing information for the sitter to recognize who it is. It is a unique form of mediumship that allows individuals to channel spiritual energies and express them through various artistic mediums, such as drawing or painting.
For instance, Coral Polge, a renowned medium, was known for her exceptional ability to create spirit portraits, capturing the likenesses of those who had passed away.
At the Arthur Findlay College, teachers like Su Wood and Lynn Cottrell offer courses in artistic mediumship, guiding students in developing their skills to connect with the spiritual world and translate those connections into remarkable works of art, fostering a sense of inner peace and evidence of their existence on the 3D world. Fascinating!

Sophia - Nice to Meet You
Sophia, a female spirit guide, has been my lifelong companion. I wasn't aware or didn't pay much attention to the idea of having one permanent guide.
It fascinates me when I witness things manifest in the physical world. Yet, it wasn’t until this course that she revealed her presence and true nature to me.
In other words, I was ready to acknowledge her presence.
One day, surrounded by the artistic, mystical creative energy, a fellow participant sketched a portrait of a woman. One green eye, one blue, with wavy brown hair beautifully decorated with a headband featuring a shimmering green stone, and an aesthetic look that seemed to pierce through the paper and into my soul.
The lady mentioned, "She is your guide".
Just so you know, I'm the one who named her Sophia.
The Synchronicity
And then, as to kill any further doubts, another participant—unaware of the first drawing—sketched the same dual-colored eyes, the same striking features, and the same head band with shimmering stone.
What the f*ck?! It left me speechless.
This synchronicity wasn’t just a coincidence; it was an obvious confirmation. Sophia was real, and she was here to guide me. What other evidence could I gather?
Humans tend to forget, which is why evidence serves as a constant reminder of the higher power’s presence. That is part of the journey. If not, the journey itself.
Who do you think I am?
Spiritual awakening often involves the guidance of spirit guides who come in many forms. Some are ancient souls we’ve known across lifetimes, while others are the collective consciousness of celebrities who continue to inspire from beyond the veil. Let me introduce you to some of these famous guides who’ve touched my life and inspired me.

Albert Einstein: Music Is the Answer
Einstein, the genius who unraveled the secrets of the universe, appeared to me in Berlin.
His message was simple yet profound: “Music.” Really? Is Einstein into music?
That was the first thing I asked myself. My curiosity led me to Google, and to my surprise, I discovered that Einstein was indeed a music lover.
“Life without playing music is inconceivable for me,” he declared. “I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music … I get the most joy in life out of music.”
In my quest for confirmation, walking to buy groceries while the streets were deserted due to the coronavirus, I stumbled upon a glass frame inscribed with “Einstein lebt hier,” -right in my own neighborhood! He used to live on the same street where I rented my apartment in Berlin. Haberlandstrasse 5 in Schöneberg.
As I stood there, it felt strange and unbelievably thrilling. The idea of him talking to me was scary. Who am I to speak with Einstein? The thought of such genius wandering these same pathways filled me with a sense of wonder and connection.
Isn't it fascinating how they reveal themselves? Thank God he didn't speak physics or math but simply reminded me to find joy and comfort in music, especially during the darkest times.
It was comforting and powerful. It's almost as if spirit guides communicate through these serendipitous moments, guiding us toward enlightenment and personal growth.

Nefertiti: The Power of Love
The Queen of the Nile, Nefertiti, made her presence known in the most unexpected place—a club. The music was loud and vivid. As I danced, her face appeared everywhere.
Intrigued, I later discovered that her bust was in a museum in Berlin. Standing before her statue, goosebumps erupted on my skin.
It is fascinating how in Berlin they present her bust and the lighting in the room and the hallway leading to it. It feels like a ceremonial welcome for anyone approaching her bust. It felt alive.
It’s said that she was a powerful and influential leader, known for her beauty and intelligence, who reigned alongside her husband Pharaoh Akhenaten during the 14th century BC.
“What is a queen without her king?” she said.
Her legacy continues to captivate people around the world, with many still fascinated by her enigmatic life and influence. And just like Einstein’s love for music, Nefertiti’s story serves as a reminder of the power of love, passion, knowledge, and courage in shaping history, possibly even through past lives.
Capturing Nefertiti: The Egyptian Photographer
Each time an Egyptian friend visits me in Berlin, they bring with them stories about Nefertiti, which reinforces the idea that Nefertiti holds a significant place in my life. One of the most fascinating stories involved an Egyptian photographer who, through a mix of skill and daring, captured a compelling image of Nefertiti at a Berlin museum. At the time, photographing Nefertiti was strictly prohibited and remains so today.
The photographer, determined to get the shot, offered the German security guard a box of Egyptian cigarettes called Cleopatra. The guard, delighted by the gift, allowed him to take one photo of Nefertiti. Unsure of what to do with the illicit photograph, the photographer decided to send it to Adolf Hitler, who was ruling at that time, as a gift.
A couple of years later, Hitler sent a thank you note and recognized the photographer's artistic talent. For the photographer, this acknowledgment served as an indirect permission to publish the photo. His skill and bravery earned him an international award for the best photographer, for that photo. The photographer named his daughter, who happened to be my friend, after Nefertiti.
Those stories served me as evidence or confirmation of the deep and meaningful connection that I feel with Nefertiti. Each tale resonated with me on a personal level, reinforcing my belief that our bond transcends time and space.

Frida Kahlo: The Power of Authenticity
Frida Kahlo - to be honest, I knew very little about her.
One day, my daughter came home from school and showed me a presentation about Frida that she had done. She chose Frida because their names are somewhat similar, my daughter told me, and she started sharing her story.
I became curious and began reading about her. Then one day, in Berlin, Frida showed herself to me in a very sensual and romantic way, making me feel her emotions of love, pain, and passion.
She was bold, resilient, and unique. Her resilience, emotional depth, and unapologetic self-expression resonated deeply with me.
As I delved deeper into her life and art, I found myself drawn to her as a person and inspired by her as an artist. I began painting even though I never knew I had the ability.
When you try to deny their presence, they find different ways to reach you—through your kids or other means.
Frida taught me that our most vulnerable moments can be our most powerful sources of creativity and the most truthful moments of self-discovery.

Alan Watts: Does it Matter?
I was introduced to Alan Watts in a yoga studio. As his voice played in the background, I began to cry as if I had lost someone very dear to me.
"Who is this man speaking in the background?" I asked myself, and soon I became obsessed with him. I found his voice incredibly sexy and soothing. I devoured every book and repeatedly listened to every video.
Alan Watts is the philosopher who brought Eastern wisdom to the West. He serves as my reminder to stay present in my spiritual journey.
During moments of doubt, I often hear his voice urging me to embrace the present moment and to appreciate the beauty in life's unfolding.
He often says, "We are nothing and everything."

Terence McKenna: Only Psychos and Shamans Create their Own Reality
Terence McKenna, known for his exploration of psychedelics, has been a major influence on my introspective journeys.
“There is a transcendental dimension beyond language... It's just hard as hell to talk about!”
His philosophy and his deep insights into reality have profoundly impacted my path.
"The psychedelic mind is a higher dimensional mind; it is not fit for three-dimensional space-time."
He only showed himself when I started researching about psychedelics and addiction.
He said "To comprehend how psychedelics work, one must first understand his own mind."
McKenna's teachings inspire me to continually seek and explore the mysteries of existence, guiding me on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
"People have a right to get stoned. They have a right to think and explore their own minds. This is as intimate a part of their being as their sexuality. Any culture which mitigates that is clearly afraid of a full and fair and open dialogue about what reality is and what real human values ought to be."

Marilyn Monroe: Vulnerability is Your Strength
Vulnerability is about speaking your truth—opening your heart and saying: "This is who I am, and this is what scares me."
Marilyn Monroe, the iconic actress and symbol of beauty, has also been a source of inspiration for me. Beyond her glamorous exterior, I am drawn to her vulnerability and authenticity. Her openness about her struggles with mental health and societal pressures inspired me.
Monroe has shown me the power of vulnerability. Despite her public persona, Marilyn's inner struggles and quest for self-discovery have always resonated with me. Her spirit encourages me to Embrace my true self, flaws, and sexuality -understanding that vulnerability is a strength.
I have a quick temper, often provoked by inconsistencies between words and actions.
But I've always held myself accountable for my temper - not always :)
Then Monroe came along and said "Madness is brilliant "- she said with a smile.
"It is better to be absolutely mad than ridiculously boring."
I was seeing her face everywhere before a friend of mine, who is a psychic medium, channeled her. Despite noticing her presence, I never vocalized it until my friend informed me, 'Marilyn Monroe is here, and she wants to communicate with you.' Here you go!
It was such a relief because sometimes the mind can trick you with illusions. The best way to overcome this is to find solid evidence.
Her guidance reminds me that our authenticity is our greatest asset.

Coco Chanel: How to Break Free
The iconic fashion designer Coco Chanel has taught me the importance of perseverance and defying societal norms.
Born into poverty, she rose to become one of the most influential figures in fashion. Her pursuit of independence and success, despite facing numerous challenges, inspires me.
Her talent and passion for making hats blossomed because of the love of a man who believed in her, wanting nothing but her success. He invested in her love.
"He loved my love, and I couldn't help but love him back".
Her legacy continues to empower women around the world to break free from societal expectations and pursue their passion with determination.
The journey with spirit guides is an intimate and transformative one.
Whether they are celebrity figures like Einstein, Nefertiti or Marilyn Monroe, or personal guides like Sophia, their presence enriches our lives in unimaginable ways.
They offer wisdom, comfort, and inspiration, helping us navigate the complexities of life and guiding us toward our highest potential.
As you continue your own spiritual journey, remember that your guides are always with you, ready to offer their support and wisdom. Trust in their presence, and be open to the signs and messages they send.
Your journey of self-discovery and spiritual exploration is a testament to the boundless possibilities that lie within you.
Are you ready to connect with your spirit guides and explore the depths of your spiritual journey?
Start today by setting an intention, clearing your mind, and being open to the signs around you.